Trinity Health – North Dakota
January 8, 2022
In 2017, EasyWater began working directly with TRC Worldwide Engineering on the water treatment for all the water-using equipment for Trinity Health, a large new hospital in Minot, North Dakota.
The water in this area is very hard. It is also lime-softened, which gives it a high pH. This made the treatment of the domestic water and cooling towers, in particular, more challenging.
This project was unique in that it had two phases because Trinity Health changed mechanical contractors mid-stream. EasyWater ended up supplying the complete water treatment for this facility including:
- CTF System (cooling tower treatment)
- Series C (closed loop chilled and hot water treatment)
- No-Salt Conditioner (domestic water)
- Smaller SmartGuard RO (kitchen and kitchenettes on the upper floors)
- Larger SmartGuard RO system (steam boiler make-up water)
- DI Equipment (higher purity water)