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Manufacturers Mulcahy represents in Iowa.
Brazed plate and spiral wound high performance heat exchangers.
Manufacturer of the most modern steam boiler economizer available to global industry today.
Hydronic specialties, balancing valves and valve packages, centrifugal pumps, vertical turbine pumps, etc.
Magnetic filtration systems
Cemline Electric and steam fired package water heaters and boilers, replacement tube bundles, and storage tanks.
Innoflueâ„¢ Commercial Single Wall, Category II and IV, Polypropylene Venting. UL 1738 & ULC-S636 Certified
Boiler feed units, condensate transfer units, and vacuum heating pumps.
Dowtherm and Dowfrost heat transfer fluids for HVAC and refrigeration systems.
Pressure booster packaged systems and stainless steel pumps.
Control solutions for HVAC, geothermal, solar, and snowmelt applications
Steam vents, steam traps, condensate pumps, and steam pressure reducing stations
Lattner Boiler manufactures both fuel-fired and electric boilers for a variety of industrial applications
L.E.S. designs, assembles, tests, and ships packaged boilers, custom built energy management packages and boiler feed systems.
High Efficiency Boilers from 55 MBH to 6,000 MBH, Water Heaters, and Storage Tanks.
Boiler safety controls, relief valves, flow switches, and liquid level controls.
Hydropneumatic tanks, expansion tanks, thermal expansion tanks, air separators, specialty and custom tanks.
Storage tanks and heaters; ASME & non-code custom built pressure tanks.